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Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Magento CMS Tutorial

How to create and manage pages in Magento

In order to manage your web site pages you need to navigate to the CMS section in the Magento admin area. Click on the Manage Pages link in order to proceed with the pages modification.


You can edit a page by clicking on it. The Edit Page will open the window below:

You can modify this page to your preference. Static blocks is another useful option. For example, you can edit the footer block which contains the links located at the bottom of your main page:
 The Polls section allows you to create and edit polls:
Actually, magento has a fully-featured CMS system integrated in it. Browse through the pages to see the different elements you can add to your site.

Magento Payment Methods

How to configure Magento Payment methods :

Magento provides different payment methods in order to allow you to accept payments using different payment processors like Paypal, and many more. The clients can also pay through regular credit cards like Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Switch/Solo, check/money orders and other payment solutions.
To configure you payment methods in Magento, first you need to login to your Admin area. Then, go to System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods.

For the purpose of this tutorial we will enable the credit card payment method. This method can be configured through the Saved CC section:

Enable the method, enter its title, set the new order status, pick the supported credit cards, decide whether the credit card verification is required, define from which countries to accept payments and the range of the accepted payments.

In the Sort order field you should enter the position of this payment method compared to the other payment methods offered to the customers. That's it, you have just enabled this payment method for your customers. Since all payment methods have different configurations, we cannot explain in details how to configure each one of them. Simply follow the instructions on their specific pages and they should work.

How to manage products in magento

To manage products in magento, you need to follow these following rules:

1) Add Products in Magento
2) Add Images to Your Products
3) Manage Product Attributes

4) Manage Product Tags

How to Add Products in Magento : 

You can add products from the Magento Admin area -> Catalog -> Manage Products -> Add Product (located at the top right of the page).


 You need to select the product's settings (Attribute Set and Product Type) and click Continue.

On the next page you will have to fill in the product options (Name, SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), Weight, Status (Enabled/Disabled), Tax Class, etc). You can also add custom attributes to the product using the Create New Attribute button

When ready, click Save and Continue Edit to go to the next step. Here you will have to fill in the price for your product. You can also add additional price options such as Tier Price and Special Price.

Click Save and Continue Edit to go to the next screen where you will be asked to enter some description for your product.

Click Save and Continue Edit and the product will be saved. You can further customize the product from the Product Information menu on the left. In order for the product to show up on your front page, make sure you set it as In Stock from the Inventory option in the left menu.

How to Add Images to Your Products : 

Adding an image to a product in Magento is simple. All you need to do is select the product which you want to add an image to from the product list available in the Magento admin area -> Catalog -> Manage Products.
Once the product is selected, click the Images option available in the Product Information menu on the left.
Click Browse Files and locate the file on your computer which you want to use as a product image. Then click Upload Files to upload the image to your shop. Finally, label your image and choose where it should appear using the radio buttons on the right. Click Save to save your product's image.


How to Manage Product Attributes :

Clicking on the [Create New Attribute] button will allow you to add attributes to your products:

 Once you are ready with the attribute, click on the [Save Attribute] button. Then you can click on the [Save] button in order to store your product information. Finally, you need to assign the new product to a chosen category: 


How to Manage Product Tags :

By default Magento includes the option to allow customers to tag your products. When a customer tags a certain product, the tag appears as pending and must be approved before it can show up on the product page.
Let's add a tag to our product, approve it and see how it then shows up on the product page. To add a tag to a product, simply write the tag word in the Add Your Tags: field available on the product page and click Add Tags. We'll add "Great" as a tag. A confirmation message will show up saying that the tag has been accepted for moderation:

Now go to your Magento admin area -> Catalog -> Tags -> Pending Tags to view all your pending tags. In our case, there will be only one pending tag for the word "Great":

 Click it and you will be taken to a page where you can change the status of the tag. It will appear as "Pending", so le't change it to "Approved" and click Save Tag.

Now that the tag has been approved, all other customers will see it on the product page.
You can also manage tags on a per-product basis. Go to your Magento admin area -> Catalog -> Manage Products and click the product the tags of which you want to check. Then from the left menu click Product Tags and you will see all the tags for that product.

How to Install Magento Manually

Magento Installation Tutorial :

 Next, enter the database details: Database Name, User Name and User Password. You can leave the other options intact. Make sure that you place a check on the "Skip Base URL validation before next step" option. Then, click the Continue button to proceed.

At this point you should enter the personal information and the admin login details which you want to use. You can leave the Encryption Key field empty and the script will generate one for you. Once more, click the Continue button.

Finally, Write down your encryption key; it will be used by Magento to encrypt passwords, credit cards and other confidential information.


Your Magento installation was successfully completed. Now you can navigate to its Frontend or Backend.

Change all short_description field as empty for product in magento

Go to
Admin > catalog > products
select all products
select action as update attributes
you have to check short description checkbox with empty text there.

Please select short description as not required attribute.
re-index and clear cache after remove.

How to enable template path hints in magento admin panel? (Without Extension)

1. Admin > System > Configuration
2. Switch your "Current Configuration Scope" to your store (’Main Website’ on a stock build)
3. Click on the Developer Tab (bottom left) and find the Debug area
4. Template Path Hints: Yes (also might want to add Block Names to hints)

How to Remove Add to Compare link in magento product view page?

Edit your theme's "templae/catalog/product/view/addto.phtml" file. Find and Comment the below lines.

    $_compareUrl = $this->helper('catalog/product_compare')->getAddUrl($_product);
<?php if($_compareUrl) : ?>
    <li><span class="separator">|</span> <a href="<?php echo $_compareUrl ?>" class="link-compare"><?php echo $this->__('Add to Compare') ?></a></li>
<?php endif; ?>

How to remove the Estimate Shipping and Tax box in Magento My cart page?

Solution 1:

Edit your theme's "/layout/checkout.xml" file. Find and Comment the below lines.

<block as="shipping" name="checkout.cart.shipping" template="checkout/cart/shipping.phtml" type="checkout/cart_shipping"></block>

Solution 2:

Add new "local.xml" file under your theme's layout folder.

      <remove name="checkout.cart.shipping"></remove>

Here, You no need to search for any template or layout file. This code will do the trick. After making changes dont forget to refresh the cache. That's it. You are done.

How to remove the Discount Code / Coupon Code box in Magento My cart page?

Solution 1:
Edit your theme's "/layout/checkout.xml" file. Find and Comment the below lines.

<block as="coupon" name="" template="checkout/cart/coupon.phtml" type="checkout/cart_coupon"></block>

Solution 2:
Add new local.xml file under your theme's layout folder.

      <remove name=""></remove>

Here, You no need to search for any template or layout file. This code will do the trick. After making changes dont forget to refresh the cache. That's it. You are done.

Tips to use home page url, custom page url and pass query string in Magento CMS Page

{{store url=""}} -> Used to get Store's home page URL.
Resulting in a URL like ""

{{store url="contacts"}} -> Used to get contact us page URL.
Resulting in a URL like ""

If you want to show custom URL Use direct_url
{{store direct_url="category/subcategory.html"}} -> Used to get custom URL.
Resulting in a URL like ""

If you want to pass parameters in query string use _query
{{store direct_url="category/subcategory.html" _query="a=param_a&b=param_b"}} -> Used to Pass query string
Resulting in a URL like ""

{{skin url='images/homepageimage.jpg'}} -> Used to get image url

How to remove validation on zip code in magento checkout page?

Log in to your Magento admin panel then go to System -> Configuration->General. From the Country option tab you can see there is an option "Postal code is optional for the following countries" Select the country which you want to Optional/Not validate. then click on save config to save your settings.

zip code validation image

Magento Tutorial How to install a Magento Theme

To know the briefly explanation with visuals and pictures please go to this url.

I hope it will help you.

Magento : 404 error is showing admin page

Hello, Sometimes we may get the error on admin page once done with the Magento installation. In that scenario, we have to do the following: ...